Thursday, February 10, 2011

Andrej Dugin and Olga Dugina

Andrej Dugin and Olga Dugina are what you would have if you took Arthur Rackham, Hieronymus Bosch, and Eugène Delacroix and mashed them together into an astonishing illustration team. There are notes of so many more influences from classic illustration, romanticism, and deco aesthetics that you'll get lost in time and magic and wonder that you are looking modern works.

I found these artists on the wonderful blog, lines and colors.

The artist's official website
Some great pieces
Another gallery
lines and colors post

The above illustration was done for Madonna's children's fable, The Adventures of Abdi. Not a great story, but great illustration. I recommend their own books, The Brave Little Tailor and, with Arnica Esterl writing, Dragon Feathers.

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